5 Minutes/ 5 Questions with author, Patricia Wooster
"I wanted to remove the barrier of entry for women interested in creating a business by providing a mastermind in a book format."

Podcast Interview: Master Your M.E.N.T.A.L
We all have a story (& many more stories inside of us) that we can take and turn into our superpower!

Discussion With Radio Host Bonnie Graham
In this episode from Bonnie Graham's Technology Evolution show, we discuss the future for female entrepreneurs.

Interview: Rachel DeAlto
Rachel DeAlto is a relationship Expert, TV Personality, Author, and Speaker! On today's episode we discuss her new book "Relatable".

Interview: Lindsey Ardmore
Lindsey Ardmore is an automation expert and my partner on our newest collaborative book "Female Entrepreneur's Playbook". On this episode, we discuss why partnerships are so important in business.

4 Types Of Stories To Share In Your Book
When it comes to writing a book it's not always easy to know which stories are important to share with the reader and what stories to leave out. In this episode, we discuss the top 4 types.

How To Start Writing Your Book
Accountability with a strategy is the best way to write and publish your book. In this episode, we give you the tools you need to get your book written this year.

Are You Prepared For Impact?
Stop waiting and wishing to create an impact. Right now people are waiting for the book you have yet to write. In this episode, I give you 5 ways to get started.

What Makes A Great Book?
Learn what makes a book stand the test of time and creates raving fans for you and your expertise.

Uncommon Results: My Latest Project: A Book On Entrepreneurship
Are you tired of working "in your business" instead of "on" your business? In this discussion, Zoe Hong and I discuss how to be the visionary in your business.

Write A Chapter & Claim Your Methodology
Automation specialist Lindsey Ardmore and I discuss how to use a book to name and claim your expertise.

How & Why To Write A Book With Patricia Wooster
Discussion between Patricia Wooster and Ellevate Network about how to get started on writing your book.

Your Story Is Your Superpower
Our story is the connection piece between us and other people. In this episode, we discuss how to use story in your books, speeches, and social media.
Patricia's Press Kit